Join us to queer permaculture at the online permaculture café
Queer Permaculture Cafe


Calling all queer* permaculturists (and those who want to become one!)

Curious about permaculture?
Already love permaculture?
Creating a permaculture garden?
Or using social permaculture to change society?

Join us to explore more, co-create and learn from each other. From January, the Permaculture Pod will be hosting a monthly queer* permies get together online. 

Together, we will delve into one permaculture principle each month and explore how we can bring it to life and what it means to us. 

9 January: Observe and interact.

13 February: Catch and store energy. 

13 March: Obtain a yield. 

10 April: Apply self-regulation and accept feedback. 

8 May: Use and value renewable resources and services. 

12 June: Produce no waste. 

10 July: Design from patterns to details. 

14 August: Integrate rather than segregate.

11 September: Use small and slow solutions.

9 October: Use and value diversity.

13 November: Use edges and value the marginal.

11 December: Creatively use and respond to change.

All events start at 6:00pm (Portuguese time). The meetings will be online via Zoom and are free to attend.

The intention is to create a space where we can explore the many aspects of permaculture by sharing our experiences and asking questions. Whether curious about permaculture, or an avid practitioner, we invite you to come and co-create the space with us. Each session is self-contained, and there is no expectation that you can or will attend all sessions. 

To attend, please register here (you only need to register once for all the events):


Any questions? Let us know, or better yet, join us for Tea in the Garden on 12 December at 05:00pm (Portuguese time)!


We look forward to seeing (and growing with) you!

With love from the Quinta



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